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FirstGreen Frente a Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

FirstGreen on Sustainable Development Goals


17 Goals to transform our world

“In 2015, the UN adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , an opportunity for countries and their societies to embark on a new path to improve the lives of everyone, leaving no one behind. The Agenda has 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which range from eliminating poverty to combating climate change, education, gender equality, protecting the environment and designing our cities.”

This is how the cover of the official SDG website begins. This is what everyone knows, but the truth is that at present there is no country on track to achieve the goals and objectives. We are halfway there and it seems that there is no government on track to fulfil the commitment it has made.

So, what can we do? We believe that significant progress starts with private business initiatives and, above all, with the individual awareness of each of the 7.7 billion people who inhabit the earth, but above all, that 90% of the world's population who do not go hungry, who have their basic needs covered and who, of course, through their actions and habits, can produce a 180º change in the evolution of the achievement of the objectives of the 2030 agenda.

At FirstGreen, within the 17 SDGs and being a small company (to align with them it is not necessary to be a large company, as we have mentioned before, change begins with the individual) we carry out all the objectives transversally, although throughout different articles and publications on our social networks we will describe actions that are aligned with our main objectives to be met.

Our focus is on:


#5 Gender equality


#12 Responsible production and consumption

#13 Climate action

#15 Life of terrestrial ecosystems


#7 Affordable and clean energy

#8 Decent work and economic growth

#9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure

#11 Sustainable cities and communities


#17 Partnerships to achieve the goals

As we have said, we will be publishing on Linkedin and Facebook the actions to move forward in these objectives. If you can think of something, we will be happy to put it into action to achieve alignment with the SDGs and the 2030 agenda.

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