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Regalos de merchandising que personalizan las Fiestas Populares

Merchandising gifts that personalize Popular Festivals


Summer is finally here, and with it come more opportunities to put into action the promotional gifts that your company has prepared so that employees, partners and clients can show them off at the multitude of popular events and fairs that take place during this time of year, when promotional gifts are an indisputable part of the participants' attire and will allow you to differentiate yourself from the competition.

Fireworks at Popular Festivals

Popular festivals, since their origin in ancient times, were intended to celebrate everyday life, from a good harvest, a storm, war, protection. Any event, previously of unknown origin, was linked to the will of the gods through offerings and sacrifices.

Evolution of popular festivals

Popular festivals in Spain are an art that is cultivated year after year from the smallest village to the largest city, celebrations in which one seeks to be different from the rest through customs, colors or typical costumes that make them unique and at the same time visualize them.

With different origins and motivations, they all have in common the thousands of people who collaborate with the traditions and in this context the personalized article becomes the best symbol of belonging to a group that is proudly displayed.

Patronal festivals can have religion as their origin, (Holy Week,)

Religious fairs to which trade fairs are added (Sanfermines , with livestock fair and bullfights),

Fairs that arose from other traditions ( the Fallas , in which carpenters, on the day of their patron saint, Saint Joseph, burned old wooden things in front of their workshops, which they used to keep warm when the heat came in).

And above all, the commercial origin that allowed the towns to cover the need to exchange goods. In them, the merchants appreciated that sales increased when recreational performances such as theatre and troubadours were involved in the fairs. Examples of this type of fair are the Seville Fair , in which the livestock market was the purpose of a three-day annual fair held in April since 1846, or other fairs such as the Horse Fair in Jerez or the one in Córdoba.

Why attend popular festivals?

In the history of a people we see how traditions and beliefs become rituals and fixed values ​​that endure in the collective memory and are periodically repeated from generation to generation. It is the expected moment that brings together a community around a celebration and preparations that differentiate them from other peoples.

At the patron saint's festivals you can test your endurance in high temperatures or days that extend from day to night. And to make it more bearable, personalized merchandising is the advertising most used by companies at this type of event.

1.- T-shirts

In gifts for town festivals , associations and brotherhoods can dress every day with the colors that differentiate them and identify them as members of a group.

Advertising eco-friendly t-shirt

2.- Personalized straw hats

For summer and popular festivals, there is no more sustainable, ecological and practical item than personalized hats , the undisputed protagonists of summer events that will help you extend the festive days from day to night, regardless of the hours of heat.

Ecological Straw Hat to personalize for Popular Festivals

3.- Fans for the festival

Getting extra air in the fun booths with fans and hand fans at the fair are the best promotional gifts for this type of party because you will surely use it after dancing. It is a merchandising item that if you don't have it, you will look for it. It is very popular, practical, cheap and essential for any type of party.

Ecological fan to personalize at popular festivals

There are many eco-friendly and sustainable items that your company can choose to make its services or brand visible. What will you choose for the patron saint's day celebration in which you will participate?

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