600D RPET backpack with dark drawstrings on the front and reflective front details. Carry all your stuff in the spacious main compartment. This backpack is great for carrying everything you need to work or when you're traveling. Use the front pocket to store smaller items. Both sides of the backpack have mesh pockets where you can store bottles. Easily adjust the handles so the backpack fits comfortably on your back.
The backpack is an advertising item that is very useful as a promotional gift for companies. Due to its large surface area for customization and its variety of uses, it is essential to have a great visual impact. The number of fields of activity of the backpack provides a great variety in design so that it adapts to any situation, urban, business, gym or free time. Premium promotional gifts for events, fairs and congresses, and work material accessories for companies and their staff.
rPET is a recyclable plastic that comes from recycled raw materials. Recycling plastic reduces the CO2 footprint from manufacturing to delivery by 16% compared to virgin PET. By recycling a plastic bottle we save the energy needed to keep a light bulb on for 6 hours. Its high flexibility, waterproofness, strength and durability allow it to be widely used in the sector of ecological promotional gifts committed to the planet.
29 x 16 x 46 | Ø | 346 gr
30 x 70 mm